Sri Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Mahilpur, Distt. Hoshiarpur (Punjab), India
Sri Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa College, Mahilpur, Distt. Hoshiarpur (Punjab), India, a Post Graduate, Multi Faculty, Co-Educational college is a premier Institution of the Rural Area in District Hoshiarpur (Punjab), which was established in 1946 before the partition of India by HIS HOLINESS `SANT BABA HARI SINGH JI KAHARPURI’, the Founder President of Sikh Educational Council, with a missionary zeal of providing Higher Education to the boys and girls in general and particularly belonging to the Rural, Backward and Kandi areas, who were not able to go to other cities for Higher Education. It is the oldest educational institute of higher learning in rural & pre partitioned India and one of the oldest amongst premier Institutions of Higher Education in the north of India. The college is situated on Hoshiarpur Chandigarh Road at a distance of 22 kilometres from Hoshiarpur, 37 Kilometres from Phagwara, 35 Kilometres from Nangal Dam and 45 Kilometres from Una (Himachal Pradesh) in the foot hills of Shivalik Range of Hills. The college is spread over 200 Kanals of land with imposing buildings in lush green, pollution free environment, away from the hustle and bustle of the city life. At the time of its establishment, only two faculities (Science and Arts) were introduced but after that Commerce and Computer Sciences were started to meet the challenges of 21st Century. Excellence in academics, sports and cultural activities has been a way of life of our students year after year. From the very beginning, this Institution has turned out innumerable Doctors, Engineers, Educationists, Defence Generals etc.
It is a matter of great honour for this institution that its Football Team (Men) won the Panjab University ‘A’ Division Football Championship for 20 years regularly and Women team also won the Football Championship of the Panjab University. In the field of NCC our Cadet Rohit Kumar lead the Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and UT Chandigarh, Directorate in the Republic Day Parade 2006, in New Delhi. This institution feels pride of having held Panjab University Zonal Youth Festivals Hoshiarpur Zone-A, proud of hosting three times during the sessions 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2009_10. This college has a well stocked Library to serve as a backbone to all academic activities up to Post-Graduate level classes with a volume of more than 50 thousands books and two well furnished and well-equipped Computer Labs.
It is also important to mention here that since its establishment the institution fulfilled the requirement of the Illaqa upto graduate level classes but as per the need of the people from 1991 started Post Graduate level Degree in the subject of Punjabi. Further, it was the first ever college in the state of Punjab to introduce Computer Science as an elective subject in B.A./B.Sc. level classes from 1993 when the `Computer Education’ was just knocking at the doors of educational institution. And after successful experience, the Worthy Management of the college decided to add another Post Graduate Degree in the subject of History. However as it was not the final aim and from the academic session 2005-06, M.Sc. (Chemistry), M.Com and M.A. (Economics) were also added to the faculities which gained an overwhelming response and students from various parts of the State and the neighbouring States too, joined the college, which seemed to be great experience following which the Management had to decide more Post Graduate faculities in M.Sc. (Physics), M.A. (Political Science) and Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) from the session 2006-07. New courses of PGDCA and B.P.Ed. (one year) have also been started from the session 2007-08. We are also happy to announce that two more post-graduations M.Sc. Instrumentation and M.P.Ed.and BCA being introduced from 2008-09 academic session. From 2009-10 session we have also introduced another two years programme C.P.Ed. for the students who have successfully completed 10+2 class. We are also happy to announce that we have introduced much sough after job oriented course, M.Sc. Industrial Chemistry from the session 2009-10. These courses we hope will further provide more avenues and opportunities to the students to ensure their placement in the society at the time when cut throat competition is taking place at the global level. In 2011, the college has achieved a new breakthrough by introducing a new course B.sc. Fashion Designing for thefirst time in the Doaba Region of Punjab. This year the College has got one more unit for B.Com. classes. The University Grants Commission has sanctioned two new courses Foundation Course (2-3 months) and Certificate Course (3-6 months) under the scheme of Human Rights Educatin during the 11th five year Plan.
In the from year 2012-13, the College has made another leap by introducing two new courses namely; B.Sc. Agriculture and M.Sc. Information Technology.
The college has made rapid strides in building constructions, opening of new courses and upgradation of infrastructure.
From the Year 2013-14 College is going to start M.Sc. (Mathematics) M.A. (English, Hindi). B.Sc. (Medical) and Sociology, N.C.C., Music as elective Subject in B.A.
Studies Centres
The College is running Gandhian Studies Centre and Dr. Ambedkar Studies Centre sponsored by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi under the scheme of Epoch-Making Social Thinkers of India during the XI Plan. The objectives of these Centres are to acquaint both teachers and students with the thoughts, actions and works of these outstanding social icons and pursue studies, research and fieldwork-based extension Programmes.
Women’s Studies Centres
Keeping in view the amelioration of women’ conditions in India, particularly in rural-backward regions and to enhance the accessibility of basic needs like education, employment, health and law to them, the College is successfully running the Centre for Women’s Studies sponsored by the University Grants Commission.