Babuji H.S. Basi



Babuji Hari Singh Basi Entrepreneurship Centre

Babuji Hari Singh Basi Entrepreneurship Centre was established at the College in February, 2015 to develop the entrepreneurial skills of those students of the college who are already enrolled in one or the other programme/ course. This Centre was setup on the initiative of Village Life Improvement Foundation in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Punjab. The Centre organizes workshops, practical training and field visits for the students. All these activities prove helpful for their practical orientation and familiarize them with various opportunities which exist in the field of business.The centre is funded by Babuji Hari Singh Basi Memorial Trust.

Click here to view the Udyog Adhaar Registration Certificate

Vision & Hope

Rural people are risk takers out of necessity, since they have little control over nature. Also the paucity of available resources equips them with inventiveness and capacity for hard work. This is amply demonstrated by our Diaspora settled in communities around the world.
What we need to do is to transform them from risk takers into “calculated” risk takers with adequate skills to become successful entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, young people who are still in the villages live aimless lives, including high school matriculates ad even college graduates. Without good future prospects they get into undesirable habits and are desperately in need of finding ways to make a decent living. Young people’s present mindsets (finding illicit ways to go abroad, looking for easy money by hook or crook, alcohol and drug addiction etc.) must be changed. They need to be motivated to mend their ways and seek productive living through acquiring necessary skills and experiential self confidence to become successful bread winners. They can acquire skills to be good contributing employees or proceed to become calculated risk takers budding entrepreneurs.
Babuji Hari Singh Basi Entrepreneurship Centre at SGGS Khalsa College, Mahilpur, the First pioneering effort in Punjab has been established to be an experiential learning program to imbue highly motivated students and other youth with entrepreneurship skills to seek to turn them from job seekers into job creators and income providers by establishing new enterprises.
Our vision for the Babuji HSB Entrepreneurship Centre is to become a catalyst for helping the establishment of viable business enterprises in its service area. It would impart basic entrepreneurship skills, create and maintain a continuously updated data base of available potential possibilities from various sources, seek to match potential entrepreneurs with particular available opportunities, assist them in starting their chosen businesses, help build networks to provide ongoing assistance and perform other functions necessary for nurturing their viability and development.
The key to enterprise development, of course, is motivated individuals. Typically, such motivated individuals have completed at least high school with good proficiency in English language and a modicum of computer literacy and are desirous of being exposed to various avenues that may be open to them for making a good living.
Program Components: (i) Teaching (ii) Service, (iii) Research
1. Teaching
a. Entrepreneurship; basic skills – This hands on workshop is designed to impart participants certain entrepreneurial skills – identifying unmet felt needs and business opportunities, proposed location, production facilities and requirements, resources availability, market analysis, goat setting, business planning, break even analysis, book keeping etc. It also deals with certain management functions such as leadership, decision making, communication, and the like. It ends up with students making their own business plans, and prepares them to be more productive employees or proceed to become calculated risk takers – budding entrepreneurs.
b. This is an 8 weeks long intensive classroom cum experiantial workshop (to be given 3 times a year) to prepareparticipants to undertake new ventures and enterprises and become successful employers and job providerd or at least contributing productive employees.

2. Service:
a. Scout are service area for internship opportunities which would be learning experiences for participants and helpful to employers. It is the best way to acquire field experience and “can-do” confidence.
b. Guide participants to discover and identify felt needs for potential business opportunities.
c. Help participants access available sources of information and assistance in demographics, finance, advertising and the like.
d. Encourage participants to network with other people in similar circumstances for entrepreneurial problem solving to become successful.
e. Establish regular contacts with global, national & regional income generation facilitating entities for making available their products and services to our motivated youth & potential entrepreneurs. i.e.
i.) National Innovation Foundation (NIF) of the Department of Science Technology (GOI) for low cost wind mills, food processing machines, milk masters etc.
ii.) Tourism Department of (GOP) for hospitality industries opportunities like flower shops, bakeries and other hospitality services.
iii.) Grass Root Innovation Network (GIAN) for networking with others.
iv.) Appropriate Rural Technology Institute (ARTI) for CNG unit to provide cooking fuel, or use in motor bikes, auto rickshaws and the like.
3. Research:
a.) Prepare some “off-the shelf” potential business opportunities project proposals appropriate for rural areas i.e. agro business, food processing, pickle making, jam making, oil extraction and the like. Such off-the shelf proposals should contain technical detail as well as necessary investment capital requirements and probable profit returns.
b.) Explore other potential value added activities in our service area to enhance people’s earnings facilitate necessary contacts with banks, marketing agencies and other technical entities to become successful.
The Venue: The place where the entrepreneurship centre housed should have an inviting atmosphere for enquiring minds to dialogue and indulge in research and problem solving. It should have potential possibilities well displayed on its walls, computers should be available for research and to make contracts and it should be furnished for easy dialogue.
A Rural Uddam Network (Run) should be started asap wherein members can communicate with each other to discuss, common issues, possible solutions and develop camaraderie of likeminded people seeking to better their own lives as well as becoming contributing members of society.
Overall our hope is that the Babaji HSB Entrepreneurship Centre at SGGS Khalsa College, Mahilpur will become a pioneering rural hub of activities helping give birth and provide nurture to new ventures in our area serving local as well as national and global markets.
This prototype model outlined above is being tried and tested and will be refined over next year at SGGS Khalsa College, Mahilpur. So by the year end it should be ready for creative replication at other rural colleges some of which have already indicated deep interest i.e. SNC, Banga and the like.
This is the vision and the hope. You are invited to join this pioneering adventure in your own way.

Highlights of the Centre

1. Qualified Staff
2. Fully equipped computer lab
3. Wi-Fi facility
4. Workshop organised with collaboration of Village Life Improvement Foundation twice a year
5. Helps in preparing Business Plan
6. Helps in getting loans from Banks
7. Regular field visits to various industries
8. Certificate given to students after successful completion of workshop
9. Bus facility for Girls Students
10. Staff approved from City & Guilds University, London, UK
11. Fully air-conditioned classrooms
12. Study abroad Visa guidance

Courses Offered(All Courses approved by Government of India)

3. IELTS Life Skills
5. Personality Development Courses
6. Tally
7. Microsoft Office
8. C/C++
10. Photoshop
11. Diploma in Computer Applications (DCA)
12. Spoken English (Advanced Level)
13. Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Skills Development Courses
14. Cosmetology Training (Beauty Parlour)
15. Diploma in Plumbing
16. Diploma in Electrician
17. Diploma in Welding
18. Typing (Punjabi/English/Hindi)

Administrative Profile

Advisory Council
Dr. Raghubir Singh Basi, Chairman, V.L.I.F.
Ms. Geetika Kalha, (Retd. I.A.S.), President, V.L.I.F.
Mr. Arvinder Singh Nibber H.No.1556, Sec. 69, Mohali. Mobile No.(99888-52125)
Dr. Jang Bahadur Singh Rai, Manager, Sikh Educational Council, Mahilpur
S. Gurmail Singh Gill, Member, Sikh Educational Council, Mahilpur
Dr. Parvinder Singh, Principal, S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur
Mr. Sarbjit Samra, M.D. Capital Local Area Bank Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. R.C. Sharma, Ex-Officio, Manager PNB Lead Bank, Distt. Hoshiarpur
Raj Kumari, Assoicate Professor, S.G.G.S. Khalsa College, Mahilpur
Mr. Vijay Kumar Heer(Coordinator)

Teaching Staff

Prof. Vijay Kumar Heer(IELTS Instructor)
Mr. Pritpal Singh (Instructor)
Ms. Jasmeen Kaur (Spoken English Trainer)
Prof. Niharika Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and IT, S.G.G.S Khalsa College, Mahilpur
Prof. Gurjit Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and IT, S.G.G.S Khalsa College, Mahilpur
Prof. Navdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and IT, S.G.G.S Khalsa College, Mahilpur
Prof. Harpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and IT, S.G.G.S Khalsa College, Mahilpur

Photo Gallery

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