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Muraly Blog

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Canada's Aging Population: Challenges and Opportunities for Healthcare, the Economy, and New Workers

Last year, Statistics Canada released a series of results from...

Tips to Maintain Work-Life Balance

Work frequently comes first in our lives and trumps everything...

Maestros in the Making: Gina El Kattan | The Story of 2 Mother-Daughter Immigrant Entrepreneurs

In this episode of Maestros in the Making, I had...

Dasha & Muraly: Kids, Kids, Kids!

In episode 4, Dasha and I talk about the surprises,...

Mind, Management and Marriage

As part of our ongoing commitment to companionship and communication,...

How Leaders Can Best Serve Their Teams Post-Pandemic

Post-pandemic, leaders will need to stay savvy to lead, inspire...

Empowering Our Daughters Today for a Brighter Tomorrow

International Women's Day is fast approaching, so I have taken...

Approaching International Children’s Day as a Parent

We’re celebrating International Children’s Day on December 13th! This year,...

Why My Son Must Be A Feminist

November 25 is soon approaching, and this date carries a...

Investing in Community Vitality

Successful entrepreneurs understand the crucial role that their community plays...

The Lessons I Leave for My Daughter

Yesterday was International Day of the Girl Child, and this...

3 Lessons My Parents Taught Me that I Will Teach to My Children

There is far more to becoming a parent than bringing...